Buying koi in Japan has a very serious side to it,but this has to be balanced out by having some good fun and getting to meet and socialise with the breeders and people from other countries.This gives the hobbyists a great oppertunity to enjoy themselves and swop ideas and chat about their passion with many very knowledgable people:-
Day 1-The Guys arriving in Japan-
Their first shinkansen-
Straight to the Ogata 40th Aniversary Party-attended by the majority of prominent breeders in Japan-
Beautifully presented food-
Day 2 -The opening speech by Manabu Ogata at the Auction-
Viewing the Auction koi-
Applauding a 1 million yen bid-
The post Auction party opened by Izamiya-
Our table,Manabu's wife Hiromi and daughter-
Day 3-Ogata Open Sales-
A quieter evening with other custtomers from overseas-
Day 4/5-Sakai Fish Farm,the view from our hotal window -
Kentaro's new BMW-collecting customers to take to the Farm-
Netting koi for customers-
Very helpful and friendly staff-
Dinner with Kentaro-
Day 6 -Momotaro Koi Farm-relaxing next to the 1500 ton pond-great view!
Maeda san and Daisuke helping select-
Thinus making his choice-
Dinner with Daisuke and Max-
Day 7-Beppu Fish Farm-
Day 8-ZNA Koi Show-Kobe-
A great trip with a lot of stunning koi and good friends.